Human being was created about 200,000 years after the extinction of the last ‘bashar’/humanoids; the present human species called ‘insan’ had not yet appeared; with the extinction of colossal animals and ‘bashar’/humanoids, due to corruption and bloodshed on the Planet Earth , now it was time for appearance of a perfect splendid creature called ‘insan’/Homo sapiens;
the Earth was brimming with various animals and plants; plants in order to reproduce had to rely on wind to spread their seeds; for instance a cactus during its life produces 40 million seeds, but only one seed will be able to reproduce a cactus and live longer than its parents. If the cactus seed finds a humid moist awning, it will take it ten years to turn into a five-centimeter cactus and at least a hundred years for it to reach the size of its parents, ten meters tall. Plants can survive in most unsuitable soil; however, the Planet Earth was on the verge of new changes; ‘janah’/paradise, located on a humid forest on the Planet Earth along a warm humid coast where the first ‘abolbashar adam’/Homo sapiens was born; ‘ghaloo bali’ is a location where billions of humankind particles had answered Allah’s question: ‘Yes indeed!; they were placed in the loin of the created Koran ‘adam’/Homo sapiens before being Arabic ‘haboot’/banished from the forest; now ‘adam’/Homo sapiens asked Allah: will we, he and his mate, be left alone, or will we have some descendents?
Now, Allah granted Koran ‘adam’ an insight; ‘adam’ looked around; he saw air and the Earth was brimming with some live particles with potential to live; he remembered that once he himself was one of these particles; as small as millet and like the early ambulating creatures that had potential for plant and animal life; now they were looking for better status and position; these particles belonged to Arabic ‘Alam zor’/ day one, the same day when they answered in Arabic ‘ghaloo bali’/said yes after which time they were/will be suspended in the air, water and soil of the planet Earth; when Allah picked up these particles of mankind as of the day they appeared and demanded confession; when Allah said: am I not your creator and they replied ‘yes you are’; these particles enter the reproduction organs as well as uterus to be granted another soul, ‘fetrat’; they raid like torrents of millet seeds or cactus in order to find a humid place in order to be activated; however, the human uterus can only handle a few seeds (sperm); the uterus functions like the swamp where Adam and Eve grew in the past; the uterus can only accept one or two sperms out of thousands of pieces of ‘notfah’/semen, abandoning others to go back to nature and destination cycle; the base that received human being was composed of black stinking mud in a damp forest; this warm Arabic ‘hama masnoon’/stinking mud could not grow and impregnate more than a pair; Allah grew you, ‘insan’/Homo sapiens, in the form of a plant from ground; Zoroastrians’ ‘mashi’ and ‘mashianeh’ (Adam and Eve) came as rhubarb; the creation of all human beings on resurrection day will be the same as the creation of Koran ‘adam’; there are several verses in Koran comparing ‘nesha’/ inebriation experienced on both resurrection day and this world; on the day that people rise like the first ‘abolbashar adam’ fro ground like a plant; people rise like the first creation from mud; the foundation that accepted them, that is, the warm smelly swamp which was black and stinking; Allah says: we created man from a sticky stinking mud; a pair of particles out of billions of scattered particles in the air; they were activated in that swamp; We created man from sticky mud; about the creation of man, we read in genesis: Yahova breathed soul in the nostril of a clay statute; that statute simultaneously turned into a human being while Allah created man after many processes; Koran ‘adam’ experienced four stages: particle, soft skin, hard skin, crustacean; stages of creation: life, plant life, animal life and human life; man spent some time within a soft cocoon to grow until the time that he was ready to receive a hard crust and ‘salsal kal fakhar’/clay like a potter man; a hard and circular crust just like a pumpkin or something like a coconut or perhaps a hard ball of cactus family; man was made out of dried out clay; Islamic sources mention the process of creation of man as follows: a plant period, crustacean stage which lasted 40 years and other processes in the trend of constructing the body of human being; now human being was ready to shed his crust which resembled the crust of oysters or the same stuff that nail is made; all pauses and processes were meant to receive a better status which was needed to prepare him for receiving life and human soul to be breathed into him by Allah; Allah says: when we created man We breathed soul into him; (addressing His angles) now prostrate before him; now ‘fitrat’ soul was breathed into him; Koran ‘adam’ sneezed and rose; Koran refers to creation of Jesus(greeting) in his mother’s womb is an instance of ‘ijad’/initiation and ‘kon fa jakoon’ also instance of mutation; Koran ‘adam’ who already had received life, plant and animal soul now received his 4th soul lifting him to the status of ‘insan’/Homo sapiens; The difference between this human being and the previous human beings is that they were "superior animals", but ‘adam’ is a human being with separate developmental stages and unique inner and psychological talents. After giving ‘adam’ a human soul, Allah granted him the ability to speak and know all names: soil, earth, wheat, speech, sheep, tree, mountain, land, water, coast, plant, bread, seeing, sleeping and other names; he was granted the soul of ‘fetrat’, language, articulation all of which aroused admiration; then Allah allowed Adam and Eve to enjoy the paradise, the forest and its fruits, but not to eat from a special and forbidden tree and Allah said: You Adam and your wife stay in this garden, and eat wherever you wish, but do not ever approach this tree, otherwise you will be among the evil doers; however, ‘adam’, persuaded by Satan approached the tree and ate from the forbidden tree; now they saw themselves naked; simultaneously, the hard crust of fingernail material fell off their body; they both found themselves totally naked. Now their human soul shouted warning at them, for the first time; they hurriedly covered their Arabic ‘swat’/genital; they hurriedly put plant leaves on their private parts; they experienced the result of their first disobedience and reprimand by Arabic ‘nafs lavamah’, inner entity; they became of their duty; Adam and Eve after eating from the forbidden tree, they were escorted out of the forest; Allah said get rid of them both; tell them to hear out next guidance; those who listen to my guidance they need not to be worried or unhappy; Koran emphasizes that Adam and Eve after their exit from the forest realized that they should have observed their responsibility; therefore, the label of the first sin when they were not yet a perfect ‘insan’ can be regarded as an excuse; after seven hours of being granted the human soul, they were Arabic ‘habut’/expelled from that forest and they founded the first family; they with gradual experience began development of nature, home building, cattle raising, agriculture and business; Abel, Cain, and ‘Ghain’, sons of Adam, married the remaining daughters of the extinct humanoids; now Arabic ‘nafs amareh’ of Cain persuaded him to kill his brother, Abel; he killed Abel and became one of the sinners and thus the history of Cabala appeared on the Planet Earth.
End of part 9