About four billion years ago the first bacteria
came to life within underground cracks and hot water marshes. The first
multi-cellular organism was the sponge; sponges are the ancestor of all other
composite organisms. The plant life originated before the animal life; this
principle is backed up by Koran verse ‘Aghvat’ which says that the cells of
human body are of the same plant-animal complex cells. From view point of
Koran, man has a plant origin. Koran: Allah grew you out of earth like a plant.
The first amphibians came about from vertebrate fish; reptiles
derived from the amphibians; according to Koran the evolution of amphibians on
earth were first derived from swamp reptiles and aquatic living beings; from
reptiles, birds and mammals; Allah created all ambulatory creature from water;
some crawled on their belly; some on their feet; the rest on their four legs;
Allah can create whatever He wishes, because Allah is capable of doing
anything. Reptiles unlike amphibians did not have to live by water because of
their impenetrable skin which helped them live on dry lands; this advantage
made it possible for them to grow physically bigger and to hunt for better food;
the mass extinction of several species of living beings due to their
incompatibility to the environment resulted in appearance of new living beings
that were more adaptable; among these extinctions were dinosaurs; there is no
vivid evidence for this extension; however, dinosaurs had overgrown their specialized
features which precipitated their extinction; when the pot boils over, it cools itself;
it was a natural self-injury; these mass extinctions paved the road for the
growth of smaller adaptable birds and mammals until time came for the appearance
of entities like human being who walked upright; the ‘bashar’/humanoid who
walked on their two legs; they are believed to have derived from possibly
chimpanzee, gorilla and other primary animals; in Islamic sources there is
reference to these ‘bashar’/humanoids before the appearance of Koran ‘adam’;
they were: Ben,
Sen, Jinn, Nas, Jaan, Han and Nasnas. in Western sources they are referred to as Java Man, Peking Man,
Neanderthal Man, Cro-Magnon Man, Doctor Leakey Man; Imam Baghir
(greeting) said: Allah created seven species of them on earth that were not
related to Koran ‘adam’; Allah created them from the soil of the Earth; then
settled them on Earth one after another within proper environment; then Allah
the almighty created ‘adam abolbashar’ along with his descendants and offspring;
two million years prior to the creation of mammals, they reached to some
degrees of perfection and slenderness; they used stone tools and fire as two
distinctive events which distinguished them from other animals; however,
mankind or rather human being never dwelt in caves; the inscriptions on the
cave walls as well as remnants and tools belong to cave dwellers/ humanoids, created prior to the creation of
mankind; they have nothing to do with contemporary humankind; the mass
extinction was not limited to dinosaur; dinosaurs and giants because of colossal bodies could not evolve;
the extinction of primary humanoids resulted from their involvement in
bloodshed and corruption among their own species; as per Koran they spread
corruption and bloodshed on the Earth;
time laps between extinct humanoids and present human being is at least
245000 years including some gaps; Western sources call this 200,000 years as a
missing link; as a matter of fact there was nothing to be missed during this
period. End of part 8